Keynote Speakers
© România 2024

Keynote Speakers


 Professor Giacomo Ferrari




Doctor in historical linguistics and Sanskrit, carried some research in the field of ancient and middle Indian languages. His research interests moved to computational linguistics and in this field he carried out projects in computational morphology, syntactic parsing, semantic interpretation and computational dialogue modelling. He carried out also European and national projects in different fields of Artificial Intelligence, man-machine interface and Natural Language Processing (NLP), publishing several tens of articles, editing a special issue of the IEEE Proceedings on NLP, and publishing the only Italian handbook "Introduzione al Natural Language Processing"(1991) and a "State of the art in Computational Linguistics" (2004). He has also carried research in other fields of linguistics, as formal models, geographic language, multimodal communication and gestures. He has been teacher in the University of Pisa, University of Milan, University of Parma, and finally University of East Piedmont, where he was dean of the Faculty of Humanities (2004-2010) and founded the Interfaculty Linguistic Centre. He has been also one of the founders of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence and organized the first conference on Computational Linguistics in Pisa (1984).

Now he is retired but still teaches Cognitive Linguistics and carries research in the same field.


Professor Felix Nicolau



    Felix Nicolau is Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Communication, The Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania, and senior lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities, Lund University, Sweden. He defended his PhD in Comparative Literature in 2003 and is the author of eight books of literary and communication theory: Morpheus: from Text to Images. Intersemiotic Translations (2016), Take the Floor. Professional Communication Theoretically Contextualized (2014), Cultural Communication: Approaches to Modernity and Postmodernity (2014), Comunicare şi creativitate. Interpretarea textului contemporan (Communication and Creativity. The Interpretation of Contemporary Text, 2014), Homo Imprudens (2006), Anticanonice (Anticanonicals, 2009), Codul lui Eminescu (Eminescu’s Code, 2010), and Estetica inumană: de la Postmodernism la Facebook (The Inhuman Aesthetics: from Postmodernism to Facebook, 2013), five volumes of poetry (Kamceatka – time IS honey, 2014) and two novels. He is member in the editorial boards of “Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies”, “The Muse – an International Journal of Poetry” and “Metaliteratura” magazines. His areas of interest are translation studies, the theory of communication, comparative literature, cultural studies, translation studies, as well as British and American studies, and Romanian studies.

Professor Azamat Akbarov

      Azamat Akbarov holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics. He is Full Professor in Applied Linguistics at Kazakh National University in Almaty, Kazakhstan. His extensive experience includes both general English and several areas of Applied Linguistics, and he has published widely in these areas. He also has cross-linguistic expertise, having worked in French, Turkish, Russian, Korean, Bosnian, Kazakh and Uzbek as well as English, and understands the practical issues involved in teaching and learning different languages and transferring research ideas from one language to another. He is the Chairman of the International Conference of Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (FLTAL), President of the Association for Applied Linguistics in Kazakhstan (AALK), Editor-in-Chief of J-FLTAL journal. He is the current member of American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), The International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) and The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL). 

Professor Rodica Gabriela Chira


RODICA GABRIELA CHIRA is Associate Professor at 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania. With a PhD in Philology (Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj, 2002), her fields of interest imply the history of French literature and civilization, comparative literature, imaginary studies, interdisciplinary and intercultural studies.

She authored 4 books: Cyrano de Bergerac–du burlesque à la science-fiction (Alba Iulia: Ulise, 2002; Incursiuni literare, (Sibiu: Imago, 2003); Littérature et idées au Siècle des Lumières (Sibiu: Imago, 2005, 2008); Autres mondes. Approches SF (Iași: Ars Longa, 2015). She (co-) authored 10 books, 1 dictionary, 60 articles and book chapters published in international and national publications such as: Caietele Echinox, JoLIE , Trictrac: Journal of World Mythology and Folklore, Columna. Finnish & Romanian Culture, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Cahiers Tristan l’Hermite. Translator from French into Romanian (Mircea Eliade, Sacrul şi profanul, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 1992 Michel Ducobu, Un belgian la capătul plajei, Cluj-Napoca, Limes, 2012) and from Romanian to French, with Doina Puşcău (Iacob Mârza, École et nation. Les écoles de Blaj à l’Époque de la Renaissance nationale, Col. „Bibliotheca Rerum Transilvaniae“, Institutul Cultural Român. Centrul de Studii Transilvane, 2005), member of 5 national and international scientific committees. Co-editor of Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Incursiuni in imaginar (Incursions into the Imaginary), Caietele Echinox, Imaginaire et illusion, vol. 23, 2012, Incursiuni în imaginar, etc. Vice-president of CIEL - Centre of Research and Innovation in Linguistic Education she is directing the research group on Plurilingualism and Interdisciplinarity.

Scholarships: 2005-2006 New Europe College. Institute of Advanced Studies, Bucarest, with an individual research project Du comique et de la science-fiction – à la rencontre du réel/d’une réalité; July 2010, International Writers’ and Artists’ Residency – Val David, Québec, Canada with an individual research project: Religious Symbolism in Four Fairy-Tales: Cinderella, The Story of the Pig, The Story of the Wonderworking Wolf and the Golden-Haired Ileana, The Fire Bird.

She was visiting professor at Université de Caen, Basse Normandie in March-April 2018.

As a member of the Romanian Writer’s Union, besides the above mentioned translations, she published a personal volume of poems Dar din dar, poeme cu ilustraţii de Anca Sas, Alba Iulia, Aeternitas, 2012, and a pseudo-journal, Casa mea de sticlă, Ars Longa, 2018.



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